
Plump Your Lips

Dr. Okwuje’s 5 Step Approach to Lip Restoration and Augmentation

Plump Your Lips – Get the Lips You Love at RevitalizeMaui

Do your lips need a quick pick-me-up? Are you longing to plump your lips with luscious, full lips like Scarlett Johansson’s? Well, you aren’t alone. If you haven’t heard, softer, amplified lips are taking center stage as the latest beauty trend for men and women. Lip augmentation and restoration are now the most popular injectable procedure in the United States.

If you aren’t born with the lips you want, at RevitalizeMaui, we can give them to you. Perfecting your pout, though, requires a great deal more than just injecting the product into your lips. It requires an artistic eye, advanced knowledge of anatomy, and appreciation for the symmetry of the face. Great results rely upon understanding your desired outcome and having realistic expectations.

At Revitalize Maui, our goal is to give you the greatest volume and improvement that is noticeable but beautifully natural-looking. Dr. Okwuje meets with you to determine your goals and explain the procedure to plump your lips.


Please contact us via phone at 808-419-7445 during business hours. M - F, 9AM - 4PM

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Here Dr. Okwuje explains his 5 step approach to restoring, augmenting, and how to plump your lips:

Lip Augmentation on Maui


Dr. Okwuje will meet with you to determine your goals. His treatment plan and selection of dermal fillers will depend on how much you want to plump your lips. Do you want to rejuvenate your lips or augment them?

Building a Personalized Treatment Plan:

Dr. Okwuje does not believe in a “one size fits all” aesthetic plan. There is a great deal of variation between lip shapes and sizes, and each patient is unique. He will devise a treatment and enhancement plan that is as unique as you are. Whenever possible, though, Dr. Okwuje works within the existing anatomy of the lip to preserve its structure for a natural and flawless result.


There is a difference between rejuvenating or restoring the lip and adding volume or augmenting the lip. For patients desiring to restore their lips to their youthful contours, Dr. Okwuje considers the underlying structure.

In mature patients, the maxillary bone (the bone just under the under lip) begins to erode, causing the lip to turn inward. For these patients, Dr. Okwuje’s most important consideration is averting the lip by restoring it to its original construct without adding too much mass and volume.

Dr. Okwuje may also eliminate those pesky smoker’s lines, by eliminating those tiny lines that surround the lips and age the face. Your lips will look smooth and refreshed, and your lipstick will no longer bleed around your mouth.

He may suggest plumping up the marionette lines, the parenthesis like grooves around the mouth with filler and “flipping” the lip with Botox to lift the edges in a youthful, upward curve. Both techniques instantly erase years off your face.

For patients seeking to augment their lips, Dr. Okwuje pursues a different tack. He begins by adding a filler to each quadrant of the lip, giving you the opportunity to determine the amount of product you are comfortable with. This method also allows Dr. Okwuje to maintain the integrity and overall symmetry of the lip and face.

You may also choose to fill in any lines surrounding the mouth or building up the fulcrum the two columns between the lip and the nostril, for a perfect cupid’s bow.


Your comfort during lip restoration and augmentation at RevitalizeMaui is our key priority. In addition to having extensive knowledge of anatomy, Dr. Okwuje is a board-certified anesthesiologist, with a specialty in pain management. He minimizes the use of numbing cream as it can make the lip appear larger than it is.

Typically, Dr. Okwuje will use a very thin needle and or cannula, a very tiny tube to inject. When using a cannula, Dr. Okwuje will add a small amount of local anesthetic. He uses a combination of a gentle touch and light distraction to further alleviate discomfort.

Follow up:

Dr. Okwuje will advise you as to follow-up time between injections to plump your lips. Botox will typically last three to six months and can take up to seven days to take effect. Fillers in the lip area last six to nine months depending on the type of product and brand used, and buildup will give fillers and neurotoxins a longer life span.

You can also bolster the results of your injections at home with SkinMedica’s HA5, a two-step program that keeps your lips smooth, hydrated, plumped and fabulous.

If you are thinking about how to plump your lips, whether it be augmenting or refreshing your lips, we invite you to experience the experience and artistic sensibility of Dr. Okwuje. Click here to schedule a free consultation and get the voluptuous, fuller lips you want.

Lip Restoration

Mon - Fri : 09:00 AM - 4:00 PM | 411 Huku Lii Pl. #102 | contact us | 808-419-7445