
How Much Botox Do I Need?

How Much Botox Do I Really Need?

Are you interested in getting BOTOX® Cosmetic, but feel lost when it comes to understanding how much Botox you might actually need? You are not alone!

With so much conflicting information circulating out there about Botox, figuring out how much of the product it takes to treat frown lines and other facial wrinkles can be a bit perplexing, especially if you’re new to this popular injectable treatment. Let’s discuss how much botox you actually need.

So How Much Botox Do I Need?

Please keep in mind that the optimal amount of Botox for you can only be determined through a consultation with a qualified physician. “The number of Botox units required will depend on the quantity, length, and depth of the patient’s lines. I like my patients to animate their face before the procedure, but also during the Botox administration to achieve the most natural, fresh and soft look possible. Then I ask my patients to return after two weeks when the changes are most visible to review them, and possibly administer some small, additional doses of Botox to perfect each area,” says Emeka Okwuje M.D., RevitalizeMaui’s medical director.

So, let’s break it down to make sure you have a good basic understanding of how Botox works, and to cut through the confusion when it comes to making a decision about how much botox you need.


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Botox Before and After

Many providers sell Botox by the unit or by the treatment area, but most new Botox consumers do not really understand what either of these means. We are going to explain, to help you determine the average cost of Botox per area and how much botox you will need. First, you must determine what constitutes a unit in the practice you are receiving Botox from. At RevitalizeMaui, we specialize in physician administered Botox for the best and safest results for our patients. Our medical director Emeka Okwuje, M.D. dilutes Botox at a 1:1 ratio, therefore, delivering the strongest Botox to our patients.

How Many Units Of Botox Per Area?

Next, the provider must assess the area of concern and determine how many units will be needed to give the desired effect. The following are the ranges of how much Botox is commonly administered per each area. Please keep in mind that the amounts listed above are the average number of units used and that you may need more or less depending on your gender, ethnicity, age, muscle strength and aesthetic goals.

  • Frown or glabellar lines: 20-30 units
  • Crow’s feet: 9-12 units per side
  • Forehead lines: 10-30 units
  • Eyebrow lift: 2-5 units each
  • Bunny lines on the nose 5-10 units
  • Vertical lip lines 2-7 units
  • Masseter reduction: 25-30 units each
  • Smile lift: 3-6 units
  • Dimpled chin 2-6 units
  • Playtismal Bands: 10-30 units

How Much Is A Unit Of Botox?

Now, to calculate how Botox treatment costs are figured out. First, select the area of concern. Take the number of units and multiply by the Botox cost per unit to determine your cost. For example, if Botox was $15 per unit and the area of concern will take 10 units to correct then 10 per unit X $15 = $150 for the cost of the area to be treated. Most providers charge between $12-20 per unit of Botox.

Whether you are getting Botox here on Maui or elsewhere, you should be wary of deeply discounted services, Botox parties, or service providers charging by “area.” In most of these cases, you will end up with less than desirable results due to improper dilution or inappropriate Botox delivery, or overpay for the number of units used. Understanding facial anatomy and applying this knowledge based on your specific facial structure can make a difference between a beautifully enhanced face and nightmarish frozen features.

How Much Is Botox?

Mon - Fri : 09:00 AM - 4:00 PM | 411 Huku Lii Pl. #102 | contact us | 808-419-7445